Welcome to my personal website!
I am looking for Ph.D., Master’s, and Bachelor’s students to work on formal methods!
- Information for prospective students
- How to apply: recruiting post
- My recent talk at the EDA seminar: slides
- Ph.D. students may be enrolled at LMU Munich (project funded by DFG).
Short Biography
I am an Assistant Professor at the Department of Electrical Engineering of National Taiwan University, Taiwan, leading Formal Methods and Analysis for Computing and Engineering Laboratory (ForMACE Lab), and a “Gastprofessor” (Guest Professor) affiliated with Software and Computational Systems Lab (SoSy-Lab) at LMU Munich, Germany. I obtained a Ph.D. degree in Electronics Engineering from National Taiwan University in 2021. My research directions are the analysis and optimization of computing systems, with a focus on formal methods.
Here are my:
- 2025-02-01: I joined National Taiwan University as an Assistant Professor.
- 2025-01-23: I was appointed as a “Gastprofessor” (Guest Professor) at LMU Munich, Germany.
- 2024-07-15: Our FSE 2024 paper A transferability study of interpolation-based hardware model checking for software verification and its reproduction package won the ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award and Best Artifact Award.
- 2024-04-11: Our TACAS 2024 paper Btor2-Cert: A certifying hardware-verification framework using software analyzers won the Distinguish Artifact Award (cf. reproduction package).
- 2024-04-10: Our SPIN 2024 paper Augmenting interpolation-based model checking with auxiliary invariants won the Best Paper Award.
- 2024-03-28: Our grant proposal Bridging Hardware and Software Analysis was approved by the German Research Foundation (DFG)! See the slides of my talk at COOP 2024 for more details.
Software Projects
I am the primary designer and maintainer of the following projects:
: a translator from the word-level modeling language Btor2 to the programming language CBtor2-Cert
: a certifying hardware verifier using software analyzersCPV
: a circuit-based program verifierMoXIchecker
: the first direct model checker for the modeling language MoXIreSSAT
: solvers for the random-exist and exist-random quantified fragments of stochastic Boolean satisfiabilityssat-benchmarks
: a collection of stochastic Boolean satisfiability formulas for benchmarking (Contributions Welcome!)TLCollapseVerify
: collapse operation and efficient verification of threshold logic in a synthesis/verification toolABC
I participate in the following projects:
: a configurable software-verification platform- Design and implementation of McMillan’s interpolation-based model-checking algorithm
: a reliable and precise benchmarking framework
Please visit my faculty webpage at NTUEE and the webpage of my group, ForMACE Lab.